Changes I would make to the world if I was GOD

People often ask me all the time, they say, "hey man if you were god instead of some dude like what would you do?". So I'll tell you.

And the obvious answers all still apply, like of course I would party all day and smite people for fun, but the topic of this brain-spray is more like, what would I do TO the world?

I'm updating my paper list like every day but here is the best parts from today:

- Apple cores edible

- Wipeless pooping

- Improved version of 1941 where Anne Franke kills Hitler with a bigass harpoon gun and saves the world

- Biodegradable stop signs

- Reparations for africanized bees

- Ambidextrus / "goes both ways" velcro

- Skeleton Gas has a sexy pine lemon scent instead of current grave-goo smell

- I get my Kmart endorsement back